Industry: Pets

Founded: 2007

Pet Healthy Holdings, LLC is the company behind Perfect Litter™, as well as several other proprietary products. We develop, manufacture and distribute these award winning products from our facility in Dallas, Texas, to customers around the United States. The star of the show, Perfect Litter™, has won four (4) prestigious awards for excellence and innovation. The litter is composed of naturally occurring minerals which present a vastly superior option to clay litter, as well as the array of newer, “alternative” cat litters.  Perfect Litter is superior in the attributes considered most important to cat owners: ease of use, light-weight, all natural, odor control and 24×7 wellness monitoring. The patented color-changing property is an early-warning indicator of the presence of or propensity for FLUTD (Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disorder) which is the number one feline insurance claim as reported by the Veterinary Pet Insurance Co. of Anaheim, CA.